
Software package for imputation of missing genotypes in a pedigree and family-based analyses.

snipar (single nucleotide imputation of parents) is a Python package for inferring identity-by-descent (IBD) segments shared between siblings, imputing missing parental genotypes, and for performing family based genome-wide association and polygenic score analyses using observed and/or imputed parental genotypes.

See the guide in the official documentation for more details.

This shows a typical snipar workflow for performing family-based GWAS: inferring IBD segments shared between siblings, imputing missing parental genotypes, then performing family-based GWAS using the observed/imputed parental genotypes.



  1. two_gen_estimation.png
    Estimation of indirect genetic effects and heritability under assortative mating
    Alexander Strudwick Young
    bioRxiv, 2023


  1. snipar_flowchart.png
    Mendelian imputation of parental genotypes improves estimates of direct genetic effects
    Alexander Strudwick Young, Seyed Moeen Nehzati, Stefania Benonisdottir, and 7 more authors
    Nature genetics, 2022
  2. Novel estimators for family-based genome-wide association studies increase power and robustness
    Junming Guan, Seyed Moeen Nehzati, Daniel J Benjamin, and 1 more author
    bioRxiv, 2022